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Introduction to Ethereum Development
Our focus on here is to explore the limitless possibilities of blockchain technology and discover how to create powerful decentralized applications.
Blockchain 105 | Ethereum Development for Beginners
About Lesson

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the third lesson in our Introduction to Ethereum Development course. In this lesson, we will take a look at some of the tools and resources available for Ethereum developers. From programming languages and development frameworks to wallets and testing tools, there are a variety of tools available to help you create and deploy your applications.

By the end of this lesson, you will be familiar with the tools used for Ethereum development, and be able to create and test your own smart contracts using Remix and Ganache.

Let’s get started!

  • Solidity Programming Language

Steps in Solidity, an unusual programming language….

Solidity is an object-oriented, high-level programming language designed for developing smart contracts on blockchain platforms such as Ethereum. It was developed by Christian Reitwiessner, Gavin Wood, Liana Husikyan, and several other core developers at the Ethereum Foundation in 2015.

Solidity is a statically typed language, which means that the type of a variable must be specified when it is declared. This helps to ensure the safety of code by preventing unintended operations on variables. It is also a strongly typed language, which means that each operation must be performed on the correct type of data. Solidity supports various types of primitive data, including strings, integers, booleans, and arrays.

Solidity is based on ECMAScript (JavaScript) and provides similar syntax and features, such as functions, classes, and inheritance. It is Turing complete, which means that it can be used to write any type of application. The language also provides a suite of libraries for developing applications, such as web3.js, which is a library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain.

An example of a simple contract written in Solidity is shown below:

pragma solidity ^0.4.25;

contract SimpleContract {

    uint public count = 0;

    function increment() public {



    function getCount() public view returns (uint) {

        return count;



This code defines a contract called SimpleContract that has two functions, increment() and getCount(). The increment() function increments a uint (unsigned integer) variable called count, while the getCount() function returns the value of the count variable. The public keyword indicates that the variables and functions can be accessed from outside the contract.

Let’s take a pause on that for now, we’ll come back to it later.

  • Ethereum Development Frameworks

These speak of software libraries that provide a set of tools, libraries, and services to help developers build decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. These frameworks enable developers to build distributed applications (DApps) that run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Ethereum development frameworks provide developers with the ability to write and deploy smart contracts, create user interfaces, and build distributed applications.

The most popular Ethereum development frameworks are Truffle, web3.js, and OpenZeppelin. Each of these frameworks provides unique features and capabilities that enable developers to create dApps quickly and efficiently.

  • Truffle is a development framework for Ethereum that provides developers with useful tools for building, testing, and deploying distributed applications. It provides a suite of development tools that enable developers to easily set up, develop, and deploy smart contracts, build user interfaces, and create distributed applications. It also provides automated testing tools and a library of packages for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Web3.js is a JavaScript library for interacting with Ethereum blockchain nodes. It is used to create, deploy, and interact with smart contracts. It is also used to access blockchain data, such as account balances and transaction histories, and to interact with Ethereum-based decentralized applications.
  • OpenZeppelin is an open-source framework for developing secure smart contracts. It provides a library of smart contracts that are secure and tested. It also provides developers with tools for creating secure, modular contracts that are easy to maintain and upgrade.

All of these frameworks provide developers with the tools they need to create decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain. They are used by developers to quickly and easily develop, test, and deploy distributed applications.

  • Testing Ethereum Applications

As Ethereum applications are decentralized and distributed, testing the application is essential to ensure that the application functions correctly and securely.

Testing Ethereum applications generally involves two types of tests: unit tests and integration tests.

Unit tests are used to test the logic and functionality of individual functions or components of an Ethereum application. Unit tests are written in a language called Solidity, which is a contract-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts.

Integration tests are used to test the interaction between multiple components of an Ethereum application. Integration tests are written in Javascript and use the Ethereum TestRPC, a JavaScript-based Ethereum client, to simulate the Ethereum blockchain.

When writing tests, you need to use a test-driven development approach. This means that tests should be written before the application code is written. Writing tests first helps ensure that all the application logic is covered and that the application is robust and secure.

It’s also important to use good coding practices when writing tests. This includes using descriptive names for test functions, using assertions to check for expected results, and using comments to explain the purpose of each test.

And lastly, ….

Use a test coverage analysis tool to ensure that all the application’s code is tested and that all test cases are properly covered. A coverage analysis tool can be used to generate a report that shows which parts of the code are not covered by tests.

Testing Ethereum applications is an important part of the development process. By writing tests before writing code and using good coding practices, you can ensure that your applications are secure and robust.

  • Ethereum Wallets

Ethereum wallets are applications that allow users to interact with the Ethereum network and store Ether and other digital tokens. They are also used to send and receive payments, track balances, and manage smart contracts.

Ethereum wallets come in several forms. The most popular type is a web wallet, which is a platform that acts as a third-party custodian for user funds. These wallets are hosted online and allow users to store, manage, and exchange Ether and other tokens.

Other types of Ethereum wallets include hardware wallets, desktop wallets, and mobile wallets.

Hardware wallets are physical devices that connect to a computer via USB. These wallets are the most secure option as they allow users to store their funds offline, eliminating the risk of online theft. 

Desktop wallets are applications that run on a computer and allow users to interact with the Ethereum network.

Mobile wallets are smartphone apps that allow users to store, send, and receive Ether and other tokens.

To interact with the Ethereum network and use a wallet, users must have an Ethereum address. An Ethereum address is a unique string of letters and numbers, which is used to receive payments and store tokens. The address is created using the Ethereum wallet software and is generally represented as a QR code.

To create a wallet, you need to first install the necessary software. For web wallets, this will usually involve you creating an account on the wallet’s website. In the case of a hardware wallet, you must download the appropriate software and connect the device to your computer. Whereas desktop and mobile wallets could require you to download the appropriate software and create an account.

Once the wallet has been created, users can begin interacting with the Ethereum network. This includes sending and receiving payments, tracking balances, and managing smart contracts. The wallet also stores the private key, which is used to sign transactions and access funds. It is important to keep this key secure, as it is the only way to access funds stored in the wallet.

  • Ethereum Community and Resources

Communities and resources are essential for developers looking to get started in the world of Ethereum development. Ethereum is an open-source, decentralized, distributed computing platform that supports smart contracts and distributed applications (dApps). The Ethereum community consists of developers, miners, technical enthusiasts, researchers, and more.

And here are a few of them….

  • The Ethereum Foundation is a non-profit organization that helps to promote and support the development of Ethereum, as well as provide resources and support to the Ethereum community. The Foundation provides a variety of resources, including tutorials, guides, and tools, to help developers get started.
  • The Ethereum Stack Exchange site is a great resource for developers looking for answers to their questions about Ethereum development. The site allows developers to ask and answer questions, as well as collaborate with other developers.
  • The Ethereum Github repository is the official source code repository for Ethereum. Here, developers can find the source code of the Ethereum protocol and its various components. The repository also provides a variety of tools and libraries to help developers get started with Ethereum development.
  • The Ethereum Gitter channel is a great place to find help and support from experienced Ethereum developers. The channel is an online community where developers can ask questions, share ideas, and collaborate with other developers.

And lastly……

  • The Ethereum subreddit is a great place to find news and information about Ethereum development. Here, developers can find tutorials, guides, and general information about Ethereum. 

Overall, the Ethereum community and resources are essential for developers looking to get started in the world of Ethereum development. With the right tools and support, developers can easily get started building their own Ethereum applications.

  • Remix for Writing and Testing Smart Contracts

Remix is an online development environment, created to enable developers to write, deploy, and debug Ethereum smart contracts. It provides an integrated development environment (IDE) that supports smart contract development in the Solidity, Vyper and LLL programming languages.

Remix provides several features, including a debugger and an assembly explorer that can be used to debug and analyze code and transactions. It also features an integrated Solidity compiler used to compile and deploy smart contracts.

In addition to that, Remix also enables users to interact with the Ethereum blockchain, allowing them to deploy, call and test smart contracts. It supports a range of features, including contract creation, deployment, and execution, as well as analysis of the underlying blockchain data.

In Remix, users can write and test Solidity smart contracts using the built-in editor.

To use it, simply type in your code and click “Compile” to compile it. If the compilation is successful, Remix will display a list of the functions, variables, and parameters of the contract.

Once the contract is compiled, users can deploy it to the Ethereum network. To do this, they must first connect Remix with a wallet and have some Ether to cover the cost of deployment.

Users can interact with the contract by calling its functions or sending transactions. To do this, they can click the “Run” tab, and then select the function they want to call. Then, they can provide the required parameters and submit the transaction.

In all of these, you’ll agree that Remix is a great tool to help developers get started with Ethereum development as it provides an easy-to-use IDE, with a range of features, including debugging and analysis tools, to help developers write, deploy and debug their smart contracts.

  • Ganache for Local Blockchain Testing

Ganache is a local blockchain testing tool used for Ethereum development. It is a single-node Ethereum blockchain that can be quickly spun up for development purposes. It provides developers with a complete Ethereum sandbox environment for rapid testing and development of Ethereum applications.

Ganache allows developers to simulate the Ethereum network, deploy contracts and debug transactions. It also comes with a GUI (graphical user interface) to help developers visualize their smart contracts and transactions.

Ganache comes with several useful features, including:

  • Automatically generated accounts: Ganache creates 10 accounts with 100 Ether each, allowing developers to quickly deploy and test their smart contracts without having to worry about managing accounts or Ether.
  • Quickly deploy smart contracts: Ganache allows developers to quickly deploy their smart contracts with a few clicks, without having to manually compile or deploy them.
  • Network configuration: Ganache comes with a variety of network configurations, such as block gas limits, block times, and gas prices.
  • Debugging tools: Ganache provides debugging tools such as a debugger, transaction history, and logs.
  • Easy to use: Ganache has an intuitive GUI, making it easy for developers to visualize their smart contracts and transactions.

To get started with Ganache, you will need to install it on your local machine. After installation, you can open the GUI and start creating your Ethereum network. You can also start creating your accounts, deploying your smart contracts, and testing your transactions.

To get a better understanding of Ganache and its features, you can also check out the official documentation –

And we bring it all to a close at this point….

It’s been a wonderful ride so far…


Congratulations on completing the third lesson of our Introduction to Ethereum Development course!

At this point, you should be familiar with the tools and resources available for Ethereum developers. From Solidity programming language to Ethereum wallets and testing tools, you now have the knowledge to get started with your own Ethereum applications.

We hope you enjoyed this lesson and are excited to create your own applications. Thanks for joining us and we look forward to seeing you in the next lesson.

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