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Introduction to Ethereum Development
Our focus on here is to explore the limitless possibilities of blockchain technology and discover how to create powerful decentralized applications.
Blockchain 105 | Ethereum Development for Beginners
About Lesson

Welcome to the second lesson in our Introduction to Ethereum Development.

In this lesson, we will be setting up our development environment so we can begin coding and deploying applications on the Ethereum blockchain. We’ll learn how to choose an Ethereum client, install and configure it, and sync with the Ethereum network. We’ll also cover connecting to Ethereum nodes and troubleshooting Ethereum client issues. After completing this lesson, you’ll have a development environment ready to start building Ethereum applications.

So let’s get started!

  • Choosing an Ethereum Client

The first step to developing on Ethereum is to install the necessary software and tools. This includes the Ethereum client, a local Ethereum blockchain, and a development environment.

The Ethereum client is a program that allows you to connect to the Ethereum blockchain. It also allows you to interact with the blockchain, and send and receive transactions. There are several clients available, including Geth, Parity, and Quorum.

Geth is the most popular Ethereum client and is the easiest to set up and use. Parity is a bit more complex and requires more configuration, but offers advanced features such as data privacy and smart contract execution. Quorum is a privacy-focused Ethereum client that implements a permissioned blockchain.

Choosing an Ethereum client is a crucial step in developing a decentralized application (DApp) on the Ethereum blockchain. You have to be sure to choose a client that supports the features and functionalities needed to create the desired application.

Ethereum clients are divided into two categories: full-node clients and light clients. Full node clients are responsible for verifying every transaction on the Ethereum blockchain. They download and store the entire Ethereum blockchain, and must stay online in order to process transactions. Examples of full-node clients include Geth, Parity, and Pantheon.

Light clients, on the other hand, do not need to download the entire blockchain. They can connect to a full node and receive only the information they need in order to process transactions. Examples of light clients include Metamask, Trust Wallet, and Coinbase Wallet.

When choosing an Ethereum client, you should consider factors such as supported features, user experience, scalability, security, and cost. More so, you should take into account the complexity of the application and the programming language used to develop it. For example, Geth is written in Go, while Parity is written in Rust.

Ultimately, the choice of Ethereum client depends on the needs of the developer and the DApp they intend to build.

  • Installing an Ethereum Client

Installing an Ethereum client is a straightforward process that requires you to download and install the appropriate software package. The most popular Ethereum clients are Geth, Parity, and Besu. 

Geth is the most commonly used client, written in the Go programming language. Geth is a full Ethereum node and allows users to both interact with the Ethereum network and develop smart contracts and decentralized applications. 

Installing Geth via Ubuntu

To install Geth, use the appropriate package manager for your operating system. For example, if using Ubuntu, run the following command:

`sudo apt-get install software-properties-common`

Then, add the Ethereum repository and update the package list:

`sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum`

`sudo apt-get update`

Finally, install Geth with this command:

`sudo apt-get install ethereum`

Once Geth is installed, you can start using it by running the Geth command in the terminal.

Installing Geth on Windows

The simplest approach to install Geth is to use the Geth downloads page ( to get a pre-compiled binary. The website includes both an installer and a zip file containing the Geth source code. The installation procedure provides the user with the choice of installing Geth or Geth with the development tools. The installation automatically adds Geth to the system’s PATH. The zip package includes command.exe files that may be executed from the command prompt. The complete set of command line options may be found here or by executing Geth –help on the terminal.

Updating an existing Geth installation involves halting the node, downloading, and installing the newest version as described above. When the node is restarted, Geth will automatically use the previous version’s data and sync the blocks that were missing while the node was offline.

  • Configuring an Ethereum Client

Configuring an Ethereum client requires some knowledge of the command line interface. Generally, the most common Ethereum clients used are Geth and Parity. 

Geth (Go Ethereum) is an implementation of Ethereum written in the Go programming language. Geth can be used to run a full Ethereum node, connect to the main Ethereum network, or to develop and test smart contracts. 

To install Geth, follow these steps: 

  • Download the latest version of Geth from the official Ethereum website.
  • Extract the downloaded file to a directory, and then open a command line terminal. 
  • Navigate to the directory containing the extracted files and type the following command: 

$ geth –datadir <path-to-data-directory> init <path-to-genesis-file>

  • This command will create a new Ethereum data directory and initialize it with the genesis file. 
  • Next, start Geth with the following command: 

$ geth –datadir <path-to-data-directory> –networkid <network-id> –nodiscover console

  • This command will start Geth with the specified data directory, network ID, and node discovery settings. 
  • You can also configure Geth to connect to the main Ethereum network by adding the “–syncmode fast” flag. 

Another Ethereum client you can also use is Parity. Parity is an Ethereum client written in the Rust programming language. It can be used to run a full Ethereum node, connect to the main Ethereum network, or develop and test smart contracts.

To install Parity, follow these steps: 

  • Download the latest version of Parity from the official Ethereum website. 
  • Extract the downloaded file to a directory, and then open a command line terminal. 
  • Navigate to the directory containing the extracted files and type the following command: 

$ ./parity –chain <path-to-chain-spec-file> –config <path-to-config-file>

  • This command will create a new Parity data directory and initialize it with the chain spec and config files. 
  • Next, start Parity with the following command: 

$ ./parity –chain <path-to-chain-spec-file> –config <path-to-config-file> –no-warp –no-discovery

  • This command will start Parity with the specified chain spec and config files, as well as disable node discovery and warp sync. 
  • You can also configure Parity to connect to the main Ethereum network by adding the “–warp” flag. 

Once Geth or Parity is installed and configured, you can begin developing and testing smart contracts.

Now, let’s move on to the next thing you should be doing in this development phase …

  • Syncing with the Ethereum Network

Syncing with the Ethereum Network is the process of downloading and verifying the entire Ethereum blockchain to your local machine. This will enable you to interact with the Ethereum network and to deploy and interact with smart contracts.

There are two types of syncing nodes: full nodes and light nodes. Full nodes download the entire blockchain, validate all transactions, and propagate new blocks to the network. This requires a large amount of disk space and time to download the entire blockchain. Light nodes, on the other hand, only download the block headers and rely on a full node to provide the transactions.

The Ethereum client software provides a command line tool to sync with the Ethereum blockchain. To sync a full node, run the following command:

geth –syncmode full

To sync a light node, run the following command: 

geth –syncmode light

If you are running a light node, you will also need to connect it to a full node. To do this, you will need to add the full node’s URL to the configuration file of your light node. This can be done by adding the following line to the configuration file: 

–light.servers fullnodeUrl

After the node has been configured, it can be started by running the following command: 

geth –syncmode light

Once the syncing process has been completed, you will be able to interact with the Ethereum network.

  • Connecting to Ethereum Nodes

Connecting to an Ethereum node is a crucial step in developing the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum nodes are computers that are running a full Ethereum client, such as Geth or Parity, and are fully synced to the Ethereum network.

The most common way to connect to an Ethereum node is using the JSON-RPC protocol, which provides a way for programs to communicate with the node over the network.

To connect to an Ethereum node using the JSON-RPC protocol, you will need to specify the hostname and port of the node, along with the authentication credentials (if any). Here is an example of how to connect to an Ethereum node from a Node.js application:

const Web3 = require(‘web3’)

const web3 = new Web3(‘http://localhost:8545’)

// Specify the username and password if the node is protected by authentication

// web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount(username, password)

// Once connected, you can start making Ethereum calls

web3.eth.getBlockNumber((err, result) => {



In addition to the JSON-RPC protocol, you can also connect to an Ethereum node using the WebSocket protocol, which is more efficient than the JSON-RPC protocol. Here is an example of how to connect to an Ethereum node from a Node.js application using the WebSocket protocol:

const Web3 = require(‘web3’)

const web3 = new Web3(‘ws://localhost:8546’)

// Specify the username and password if the node is protected by authentication

// web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount(username, password)

// Once connected, you can start making Ethereum calls

web3.eth.getBlockNumber((err, result) => {



Once the configuration file has been set up correctly, you can use the Geth console to connect to the node. To do this, type the following command into the console:


geth –rpccorsdomain “<node-url>”


This will connect the Geth client to the node, allowing you to interact with it and submit transactions.

You can also use web3.js to connect to an Ethereum node. To do this, you will need to create a web3 instance and then set the node URL to the node you want to connect to. For example, if you are using web3.js to connect to an Ethereum node, the code would look like this: 


const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(“<node-url>”));


Once the web3 instance has been created, you can use it to interact with the Ethereum node and submit transactions. 

By configuring the client-side software to the Ethereum node you want to connect to and using the appropriate commands, you can easily connect to an Ethereum node.

  • Troubleshooting Ethereum Client Issues

Troubleshooting Ethereum Client Issues can be a difficult task. Below are some steps to help you troubleshoot Ethereum client issues:

  1. Check your node logs: A common cause of errors is the lack of logs. Check your node logs to see if there are any errors or warnings. If you are using Geth, you can check the logs by running “geth –verbosity 6”.
  2. Check your network connection: Make sure your node is properly connected to the Ethereum network. If you are using Geth, you can use the “net” command to view the network status.
  3. Check your blockchain data: Make sure your node is properly syncing with the blockchain. If you are using Geth, you can use the “eth.syncing” command to view the blockchain status.
  4. Check for consensus issues: If your node is not syncing with the blockchain, there may be a consensus issue with the network. Check the Ethereum network status on sites like Etherscan or Etherchain.
  5. Check for software issues: If your node is not syncing or responding to commands, there may be a software issue. Check the version of your Ethereum client, and make sure it is up to date.
  6. Check your hardware: Make sure your hardware is properly configured and has enough resources to run the Ethereum client. If you are running a full node, make sure your system has enough RAM and disk space.
  7. Check your configuration files: Sometimes errors can be caused by misconfigured configuration files. Check your configuration files to make sure everything is properly set up.
  8. Check your gas price: Gas prices can affect the speed of transactions on the Ethereum network. Make sure the gas price you are using is appropriate for the current network conditions.
  9. Check for malicious nodes: If your node is not syncing with the blockchain, it could be due to malicious nodes on the network. Check the Ethereum network status on sites like Etherscan or Etherchain for any suspicious nodes.
  10. Check for blockchain forks: A blockchain fork can cause problems when syncing with the network. Check the Ethereum network status on sites like Etherscan or Etherchain for any forks.
  11. Check for software bugs: If your node is not running properly, there may be a bug in the Ethereum software. Check the Ethereum bug tracker for any known software issues.
  12. Check for outdated nodes: If your node is not syncing with the blockchain, it may be due to outdated nodes on the network. Check the Ethereum network status on sites like Etherscan or Etherchain for any outdated nodes.

We hope that these steps help you troubleshoot any Ethereum client issues you might encounter on your learning journey. If any other problem arise apart from these, you can contact an Ethereum expert for help or reach out through the forum and let’s solve them together.


Now that you have your development environment set up, you are ready to begin coding and deploying applications on the Ethereum blockchain. With the tools and knowledge you have acquired in this lesson, you are well on your way to becoming an Ethereum developer.

Thanks for joining us for this lesson, and we look forward to seeing you in the next one!

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